Thursday, August 21, 2008

Dirty Dealing

I'm sure many of you readers of the "blog system" have at one time or another ran across ads in the papers or your favorite mag that says "Try this trial size product FREE...just pay a small shipping charge".
Take it from the horses mouth,don't fall for it as I did.
The Hydroderm company places ads that say all you pay is $5.95 shipping and handling charge and they send you a free trial size bottle of their wrinkle reducing lotion.
What they fail to tell you is that the $5.95 is never added to your credit card but a full price of $45.95 and the product mailed to you. When you check your credit statement,see what you've been charged and call the number to get your money back for something you didn't order,they tell you you MUST return the trial offer bottle (which you no longer have,of course) so you get NO REFUND!!!!
I'm sure all companies don't operate in this fashion but this company does and I told them I would certainly make it well known about their crooked methods so others will know not to fall for their "bull"

I've done my, until we "write again",
Peace be with you all,

Monday, June 9, 2008

Telemarketers, A pain in the "tush"

I know I am not the only one who dislikes phone interruptions by some telemarketer wanting to hack his/her wares..and of course, the call ALWAYS comes during a meal or other inconvenient times.
Our phone number is listed with the "No Call" list and has been for several years but seems to make no difference, the calls still come through.

Does anyone out there happen to have a sure fire way to deal with the situation? I hate to be totally rude and hang up but it is fast coming to that.

Thanks for any feedback...
Have a great day.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

another day, another dollar:

Good morning ,fellow bloggers.

I read many of the blogs and I see so much negativism about any and all subjects. I know it's hard to stay positive all the time but I think we forget just to be thankful for all that we have in this country.

I see the beauty in the sunrise in the mornings and all of God's creatures.

It took me a long time to quit feeling angry after the loss of my children,but ,again, the old adage that all things happen for a reason came to mind and began searching for an answer.

I am still searching.

Peace be with you,


Saturday, May 31, 2008

First day at the Ranch!!

This is a " first" for me. However, I like tackling new things and being on the same page as most of my acquaintances, so here goes.

I need to have a place to "vent" and by reading other bloggers I guess I'm in the right place.

I am looking for feedback from other mothers who have lost children to a disease or accidents. I have lost three of mine (two daughters,one to breast cancer at 47 and one to congestive heart failure at 52,then a son to alcoholism.) These deaths occurred several years ago now but I still cannot release my grief or feelings of loss and depression. I see all the money supposedly donated to research for these diseases but still no cures are forth coming! Those of you who have gone through some of these things,please let me know how you have coped.
